Deanne Wilkins

Deanne Wilkins

Senior VP of Finance, The Salon People;
30+ Year Accounting Veteran

Finance for Visual Creatives

Deanne Wilkins is a certified public accountant (CPA) and the Senior Vice President of Finance for The Salon People. She has worked in the salon industry for eight years and has experience with individual and multi-location salons, institutes and distribution. Deanne’s passion is taking complexity out of the numbers and having #funwithfinance in the salon world… well, as much fun as numbers can be! Deanne is an educator in the Business Academy and loves coaching salon owners and managers on the financial side of their business. As the so-called “spreadsheet queen”, she developed a number of easy-to-use tools to help owners better understand their current financial situation and forecast their future financial results. Deanne isn’t going to try to turn anyone into an accountant… her goal is to set salons up for financial success by giving them the tools and information needed to make decisions and effectively manage their salon.
